Welcome to ACST
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Welcome to ACST

Library Facility

The Central library has been built as per International Standards. It is centrally air-conditioned, well-protected by CCTV monitoring system and digital book issue/return system. Specialized collections of Books, Journals & Non-book materials are available in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Management. The collection includes 10,292 volumes of books, 1,557 titles, 2,000 CDs and 847 bounded journals. The library subscribes to 166 National, 140 International Journals, 20 magazines and 11 newspapers. The library also has Online Public Access Catalog and Internet facilities.

The Library contributes to the fulfilment of the Institute's mission by:

Selecting, acquiring, organising, maintaining and making accessible a collection of printed and non-printed, primary and secondary materials that will support the educational, research and public service programmes of both students and the faculty. Responding to the varying needs of the academic community by involving the faculty, the students and the administration in the development and periodic assessment of the library services and resources. Providing library users with point-of-use instruction, personal assistance in conducting literature research and other reference services. Providing an environment conducive to the optimum use of library materials and an appropriate schedule of hours of service and professional assistance. Participating in overall computing resources plan and providing for full library utilization of automation technology, physical facilities and equipment adequate to process, catalogue and store the materials. Enhancing the library's resources and services through co-operative relationship with other libraries and agencies.